2021 EOY Inter-University Winter Festival
Hi JAC-ians,
Congratulations on finishing your exams! To celebrate the end of the exams, our club will be collaborating with Japanese Culture / Anime Clubs from various different universities to host a Winter Festival! Come down for a good time and for the opportunity to forge wholesome friendships!
There are also attractive prizes to be won! Attend more sessions in order to increase your chances to win!
Event Details:
Date: 17th to 23rd December 2021
Time: SGT 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Venue: Zoom
No registration needed. Join us through the link provided here:
Zoom links for the respective workshops (CLICK ME)
◆About the Workshop
17th December (Friday) :
[📖Evolution of Manga - NUSCAS]
Have you ever been curious about how Manga has evolved over time? If so join us on our journey through the History of Manga! And if you’re looking forward to some chaotic fun, we’ll be ending with a session of Manga fill in!
18th December (Saturday) :
[🎸Twitch Plays : Music - NUS JMC]
Ever wondered about what goes on behind your favourite piece of Japanese music/J-Pop to make it stand out from other music? Come join our sharing, and participate in an interactive collabo game where YOU will get to compose your own track! The game will be conducted in a Twitch Plays format, where the votes write the track.
19 December (Sunday) :
[👾Evolution of Japanese Games - SIM JCGS]
Join us as we dive into the history of Japanese video games, how they have evolved over time and how older Japanese games have helped to shape and influence modern video games we enjoy today! After the presentation be sure to also stick around for our Japanese culture themed Gartic Phone session for laughs and show off your creativity and knowledge on Japanese culture!
20 December (Monday) :
[ 🎏Omamori Workshop - SUTD NihonGo x MVMC]
Join us on our workshop where we'll introduce the omamori, also known as Japanese lucky charm, and teach you how to make your very own omamori using readily-available materials! No art or crafting experience is needed, though having some would help in bringing your designs to life.
21 December (Tuesday) :
[🎤Seiyuu to yo Asobi- SIT JCC]
Ever wanted to try out voice acting or learn more about it? Come join us at our "声優と夜あそび, seiyuu to yo asobi" program where you get to experience for yourself what it takes to be a voice actor/actress, just like your favourite seiyuus!
22 December (Wednesday) :
[🍜Intro to Japanese Food -NTU JAC]
Food, food, food 🍱! With feasting as our national pastime, join us as we introduce different kinds of food in different prefectures in Japan. Learn more about the delicious Japanese cuisine and the basic Japanese etiquette, as well as the various restaurants in Singapore that are a must-try! 🥢 Also tune in as we show you how to replicate some simple-to-make Japanese dishes!
23 December (Thursday) :
[👀The Aesthetics of Eroticism - NTU VAS]
Wondering about how to explain to your friends that Anime is actually art? Preparing a high level shitpost to show how eroticism has evolved in japan over time. Join us in our session of "Reading Takashi Murakami's Anime Girls through an Otaku Lens; or, How To Argue like an Art Historian that Cute and Lewd Anime Girls Were Fine Art All Along through Disrupting the Grand Narrative in a Postmodern Style".