JAC Picnic 2017
The start of recess week marked the beginning of our long anticipated JAC Picnic.
The Picnic’s Main Highlight: Food
After setting up our base at the Marina Barrage, our master chefs started serving delicious homemade cuisine.
There was a great variety of food this year, ranging from traditional picnic sandwiches to exquisite Japanese potato salad, and even cute handmade onigiris!
The Trials Begin: First Game, Charades
After feasting on the delicious food, it was time for the games!
Split into two groups, each member took turns to guess while their team gave them hints using signs and actions for them to get the correct word.
Following the theme of Japanese Culture, some terms are immediately identifiable. However, many acts of samurai feats were needed before “seppuku” was correctly guessed.
Falling behind by 10 points, Group 2 had to face the “Batsu Game” of drinking a whole cup of wasabi mix.
Admiringly, our president courageously gulped the whole mixture down and saved the rest of the group from the horror.
会長、ありがとうござインす!(kaichou, arigatougozaimasu)
The Second Trial: 4 Stations
The next game contains 4 levels, each team needed to complete all levels in succession to win.
Level 1: Spin and Subtract
Spin on the spot for 20 times and correctly subtract 2 numbers within 5 seconds to proceed.
(This game is a lot harder than it sounds as even 30-20 becomes 4510471 – 4981394 when you are dizzy.)
Level 2: Move the beans
Using chopsticks, transfer 15 green beans from one plate to another.
This game is a real test of concentration and chopstick skills.
Level 3: Air-Bending
By air bending (blowing), keep a piece of tissue up in the air for 15 seconds.
This trial really brought out some master air benders (people with great lung capacity!).
Level 4: We are all in this together
Holding hands, pass a hula hoop from the first member to the last.
It was a close fight as the first team won by a single second.
The fifth runner-up was put to the test again as the members brave a new concoction of soy sauce, wasabi and chilli.
The Third Trial: NINJA
Last but not least, it was time for our annual Ninja game.
Many masters of Taijutsu was spotted expertly evading and skilfully attacking other ninjas.
Finally, our ultimate ninja was crowned.
終わりは終わりではない、the end is not The End.
With our third game, the JAC Picnic 2017 came to a happy conclusion.
However, this is only a start to an exciting, events-filled term coming up!
Written by: Zhou Nan